Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Yarn Along

Rainbow knitting and SUN!!

With the crazy weather we've had & the worrying about the car yesterday, I've been knitting like crazy.  This is the start of Ree's Rainbow blanket that she'll get for Christmas. My husband asked if she'd wonder who it's for while I'm knitting it. We don't really have to worry about that because every time I pick it up she asks when I'm going to knit something for her baby. 

I also cast on a pair of Christmas gift socks. But as those are just barely at the cuff I didn't take a picture. Maybe next week!

The pink Puerperium sweater is finished except for the buttons. I'm trying to get Ree to let me have 7 of her buttons from her collection. But as they are the PINK buttons I'm having a hard time with that!

I've been reading the Bell Jar in the evening's but not really getting into it. I found it too dark right now. So after getting about half way through it, when the library sent an e-mail saying it was due back, I brought it back last night (in my car!! That got fixed!!! Whoohoo!!)

I have a few other books here to read but was so tired last night I didn't pick one up!


  1. That's going to be an awesome blanket when it's finished! Ree will be so excited when she finds out it is for her!

  2. I love that yarn and how the colors change. Ree is going to love that! I'm anxious to start some Christmas knitting this year. Usually I dread it!

  3. That will be a perfect blanket for Ree. I had to laugh about the buttons, my daughter Erin, had a button collection too and it was her special treasure...we didn't touch it! :)

  4. Great yarn for this project, love it. Deb x

  5. That yarn is AMAZING! What a beautiful gift. I've started at least planning my Christmas projects. That's something, right?

  6. That is really pretty! I can't wait to see it finished!

  7. that yarn is fabulous! how exciting a lovely rainbow blanket.

  8. Oh that yarn is gorgeous!! I'd like a to knit with that. Glad your car worries are a thing of the past!

  9. Pretty yarn! I love Chroma. It's so soft and the colors are so fun! It's going to make a lovely blanket! :) Happy knitting!


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