Monday, August 25, 2014


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This weekend: 

 There was a trip to the library that resulted in my budding artist picking out almost all the drawing books
me bringing home some books on book binding and journal making
thanks to Amy's hard work with her Art Together series, especially issue 4,
we will be going down a little trail of making our own books 

I went out for a few hours Saturday to run errands
came home to a screaming baby
someone missed her Momma. As soon as I was home she was all smiles

I spent some time working some more on my Poetry In Every Day Beauty (registration will be open through September 8th, along with the bring a friend option!) course
and some time planning out some more of "school". Ree has been insistent about reminding me that this year she is going to learn to read and do math and cook

We went to a car show we happened to pass after Church & an impromptu trip to the zoo
both resulting in no naps or rest time yesterday which made for some cranky kids at my sister-in-laws

A not too bad weekend if I do say so myself!

Joining with Karen & all the other lovely weekending ladies!


  1. That sounds like a good, full weekend! Definitely a nice weekend for the zoo--not too hot.

  2. A good weekend indeed! Hope you week is just as lovely.

  3. When we lived in OK City I had two babies about the age of yours and our favorite place to go was the zoo, they loved it.
    Have you seen the book, Drawing with Children? You might find it interesting to use with Ree.

  4. what a weekend! Love that Ree is a budding artist and that you gleefully supply her the tools :) She is one happy girl. I remember the screaming baby days of when I'd pop out for a few minutes. Thankfully they are short.


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