Thursday, November 15, 2012

Some knitting

I missed the yarn along yesterday! With the week of sick & then the holiday on Monday with the husband home I got a little confused on what day it is! And then yesterday got busy & the evening was gone before I had a chance to post!

I finally picked my knitting up again on Sunday. After not having done it for almost a week I was ready! Now I have knitting ADD....I want to knit everything at once! I'm trying to finish up my Fall socks to wear them for Thanksgiving. And Ree keeps telling me that I haven't finished her pink hat. I also want to make myself a pair of fingerless gloves. And knit up ornaments for Christmas. Oh and finish the OTHER pair of socks I'm making.

Plus I have a list of sewing projects I want to work on too. And baking I want to make.

This is the time of year for all the making! First I should go into the craft room to tidy up and organize. Especially since I can't find the fabric I bought for Ree's pajama pants! I think the mess that is the craft room is the reason no sewing has taken place for so long. It's much easier to grab needles and yarn and go to where there isn't so much disorganization in the house!

As for reading....that's been happening off and on too. I'm reading Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird. I've also been reading bits and pieces of Mary Oliver's AThousand Mornings. Also a whole bunch of Fall and Owl books to Ree. Her new love is owls. Which isn't helping the knitting/sewing ADD because I went on pinterest and looked up tons of owl crafts I could make her!

We've also put a few books on Maps on hold at the library. That's her other new favorite thing. She loves to draw where we are going and how to get there. And have bridges on it. I need to look to see if I have any real maps laying around here somewhere for her.

So that's pretty much the catch up of my knitting and reading these past few days. Now it's onto catching up on my blog reading and commenting. I've missed "talking" to all of you!


  1. I'm glad things are getting back to normal for you. I kinda have knitting ADD too right now. I have gifts to knit but I want to knit so much for myself. Frustrating!

  2. I want to knit everything at once too. Love your pile of projects and I hope this week you get lots of knitting done. Glad you are feeling more yourself!!


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