Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Yarn Along

Sandy Hook Prayer Shawl

Ever since December began my knitting and reading have been virtually non-existent. Too much other stuff to do to get ready for Christmas! I have 101 projects I want to do. All of which I've known I've wanted to do since at least this summer. All the sudden Christmas is less then a week away! 

But this past weekend my fingers were itchy. Not just for a knitting project but to DO something. To help somehow. We went to my mom's for a bit Sunday evening and we got talking about a website I came across, The Prayer Shawl Ministry, and how they are collecting prayer shawls for the survivors of Newtown. My mom has been a member of her Church's prayer shawl ministry for quite a few years now. She mentioned how she has a stash of prayer shawl yarn in her closet. When I asked if I could take some of it off her hands she said of course!

So Sunday night I cast on for the Sandy Hook Prayer Shawl. I'm not sure when it will be completed but as I am sure they will be needing prayers for a long, long time I don't think it matters how soon it gets to them. It will be filled with stitches that have my heartfelt prayers in them.

Reading has been even more scarce then reading around here for quite awhile. I picked up Anne Lamott's new book, Help Thanks Wow, last week at the library. I've only read the first few pages so far but I'm enjoying it. A book that needs to be meditated on as you go along.


  1. i'm so glad you mentioned the sandy hook prayer shawl ministry---i've been involved with a prayer shawl ministry at our church, and i think we might have a few waiting for the right opportunity. i'm hoping the group will want to send off a couple. what a heart-wrenching tragedy. (and yes, x-stitch is just 'contained' embroidery!)

  2. You are so nice to be knitting for Connecticut and I am glad you feel you are doing something! Lovely yarn and how about it? We are reading the same book :D


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