Friday, December 13, 2013

Something old

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We decorated our tree last weekend. I love pulling out all the ornaments from year to year and remembering the stories that go along with each one. 

So many of my ornaments are handmade, most actually. Some I made myself but the majority were made by my mom. The two pictured here are my favorites. (There are a few other colors like these but those pictures didn't come out well).

She made these the first Christmas she & my dad were married. I have always loved them & they were always my favorites to put on the tree as I grew up. When I got married and had our first Christmas tree, she let me take one of each color. Considering that they are special to her as they adorned her bridal tree & that both of us have looked for a kit like this to make more for years with no success, I am honored to have them. 

The little drummer boy in the top picture is also an old ornament. That one was my grandmother's. It's not hand made but it certainly is old! 

Weaving words with the December prompts!


  1. Those are beautiful! I remember ornaments similar to that drummer boy on my childhood tree. I wrote about ornaments and holiday decorations for this prompt as well, but about how we do not have any really old ones. I have one or two I was given as a child, but our tree's history begins with our marriage...

  2. love seeing your old ornaments. I have so many and I've made a bag for each child when they have a tree of their own someday.

  3. love that you have handed down and homemade ornaments!

  4. Pretty ornaments! And I love the story behind the ones from your mom.

  5. Lovely! Both the ornaments, and the special family connection!


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