Thursday, July 12, 2012

Little Cloud

The other day Ree and I went outside with a blanket and a stack of library books (that seems to be our favorite summer activity these days). One of the books, Little Cloud by Eric Carle, particularly struck her fancy. She wanted to look at the clouds in "her" sky except that there weren't any! It was a beautiful  clear blue day. 

 After her nap we were having a snack on the back deck when she happened to look up and saw that the clouds were back!  She ran to get the book so we could read it again then we sat and looked to see what shapes we could see in the clouds.

When there weren't any clouds in the sky we decided to go in the house and make our own clouds. I had the idea of painting with white pant on a blue piece of construction paper but we had no white paint. Instead I got out the glue and cotton balls. She used almost a whole bottle of glue and ALL the cotton balls but she had a blast! It took almost a full day for the paper to dry too!


  1. so sweet!
    and gosh, no one out grows cloud watching!

  2. While my two younger kids were playing in the driveway the other day (they like to make "potions" with water and whatever they find) I lay back on the blanket spread out on the grass and stared at the clouds. The sky has been such a beautiful color this week. Sounds like a very fun time for you and Ree. :)

  3. my grandkids still LOVE finding magic in those clouds!!!

  4. We are cloud watchers here and huge Eric Carle fans, he is fantastic!

  5. Great book and what a fun day to be outside!!

  6. Hi Jen, I just announced on our FB wall that you are the winner of our Summer Reading Adventure I noticed you didn't have a FB account which means you probably won't see it. Contact me at your earliest convenience, no later than Tuesday 24th 8a.m. central. If I don't hear back from you we will draw another winner. Looking forward to hearing from you at


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