Monday, June 23, 2014


After this mornings rain, the sun came out and it was a beautiful bright afternoon. The clouds were stunning! #writealm IMG_1140 IMG_1143 IMG_1156 IMG_1192

Dawn from Mud Puddles to Meteors...a blog she writes along with Annie from Alphabet Glue fame...has been posting many beautiful pictures of clouds for quite some time now. Thanks to that, I have found myself looking up when we are outside. There has been some stunning cloud displays lately. 

Today the sky is blue blue blue for as far as the eye can see. I like that too! It is just not as photographic!

Also, check out today's Mud to Meteors post, Nature in Your Neighborhood. One of my egret pictures is featured along with a picture from Amy. Way to represent Rhode Island at the beginning of the week!


  1. Ha, I thought the same thing! Rhode Island, represent!!

    The kids and I were talking the other day about keeping some cloud ID cards in the car because we notice so many clouds when driving. We're trying to learn how to ID them.

  2. Love cloud watching and try to fit it into each day. Enjoy.

  3. just today on my walk I was watching one cloud that was giving me shade :) I love looking up!!

  4. There have been some really neat looking clouds lately! The sunsets have been really different too. I only got one picture but the clouds really made the whole photo.


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